Sunday, January 18, 2009

About The Cookie Scoop

Hello! Welcome to The Cookie Scoop, where you'll get your fill of all things cookie. My name is Susan and I am the founder/official cookie lady of Bucks County Cookie Company. I am the proud mother to two wonderful sons and we all live in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. I started my company in early 2008 selling my gourmet cookies at local farmers markets. Today, almost a year later my cookies, brownies, blondies and scones are being sold in a few local markets here in Bucks County.

I created this blog to record the journey of my cookie company, share recipes and hopefully interact with other cookie lovers. Also to bring a visual journey of beautiful Bucks County.


  1. Hi Susan,

    Thanks for your post over on Cookie Madness. I am really happy to have discovered your blog!

  2. I just wanted to tell you that I mentioned your marvelous biscotti on my blog this week: Thanks for the treat at the Stockton market! I hope I'm able to get back there soon. :)

  3. Hi, Susan. What great recipes. I cannot decide what I want to try first. A question for a cookie expert: I bake chocolate cookies to sell. They are big, about 3 1/2 inches wide. The taste is great and they sell well. But the bottoms are not smooth because the cookies crumble! Any suggestions? Thanks, from another Susan...

  4. Hi Susan,
    There could be several reasons your cookies crumble. First you may be mixing the dough too much. Just mix til incorporated.
    Another reason could be that your dough is too dry. Try adding a little more butter or oil, whichever your recipe calls for.
    Hope this helps!
