Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Granola Grabbers

I've been experimenting with lots of granola recipes lately and when I found Dorie Greenspan's Cookbook "Baking From My Home To Yours" in the library, I brought it home and found this Granola Grabbers Cookie recipe.
It calls for granola without any fruit so I put together a batch of granola, left out the dried fruits and used it for this recipe.
So, ok, I have to say the name of this recipe says it all!! I couldn't wait til they cooled to try a bite...but I couldn't stop at one bite !! They're that good! And while writing this post my son came home and gobbled down three!! Yup...they're that good !! He said he liked that they weren't too sweet.
I'm not really convinced that using store bought granola with fruit would make the fruits dry but she seems to think so..and she's the pro, right?!
I used my own homemade granola and the cookies have a wonderful sweet and salty flavor with the raisins for the sweet and salted peanuts for the salty. A winning combo!

Granola Grabbers
3 cups granola
3/4 cup moist plump raisins ( dark or golden)
1/2 cup salted peanuts
1/2 cup slivered almonds
1/2 cup sweetened shredded coconut
1/3 cup wheat germ
14 tbsp. unsalted butter( room temp.)
3/4 cup packed light brown sugar
1/4 cup sugar
1 large egg
1/4 tsp. salt
1 cup AP flour
Preheat oven to 375. Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper.
Put granola in a lerge bowl and break up any clumps with your fingers.
Add raisins, peanuts, almonds,coconut, and wheat germ and mix together.
With stand mixer, using paddle attachment, beat butter at medium speed til smooth, about 2 mins. Add sugars, and beat for another 3 mins. or til creamy.
Add egg and salt and beat til well blended. Reduce mixer to low and add flour, mixing only til incorporated, then steadily add granola and fruit.
Stop mixer when most of the granola mix is blended into the batter. Finish mixing with a sturdy rubber spatula, making sure to get any bits at the bottom of the bowl.
Scoop out rounded tablespoonfuls of dough, packing the scoops between your palms and place mounds on prepared baking sheets, leaving about 1 1/2 inches between them. Flatten slightly with fingertips.
Bake for 10 - 12 minutes. Cookies should be golden brown but not firm. As they cool, they harden up a bit. Allow to rest on sheets 1 - 2 minutes. Transfer to wire racks to cool completely.

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