Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Summerlike Day in the Country

It was such a warm summerlike day today, I thought I'd leave a little earlier for the farmers market, grab my camera and hit the country roads.
Bucks County does have some beautiful scenery and around every bend in the road you can find an abundance of farms, fields, barns or just a single tree standing alone in the sparkling sunshine.
When you experience the scenery in this county, it's easy to understand why so many artists and especially painters came here to paint this beautiful landscape.
One of those painters, Daniel Garber, was a Pennsylvania Impressionist painter who was best known for his large impressionistic scenes of the New Hope area.
Here it is over 60 to 70 years since he painted in the Bucks County area and much of the scenery has changed very little.
I hope you enjoy the views!!

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