Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Oat and Toffee Grahams

If you're ever in a hurry to make something that's quick to make, rich, buttery, chocolatey and nutty..this is the recipe you need! It's chewy and crunchy and just so darn good!
And this is exactly the recipe I made early Sunday morning, after selling out the day before of all my goodies. Saturday, the first half of our Valentine's Day weekend indoor market day was so busy that I had to come home and start baking all over again! So you can imagine I was desperately needing some quick and yummy cookie ideas to bake. I've made this bar cookie before and remembered that everyone loved it. Well, since I'd been up since 4 AM that morning, I felt I deserved to turn off the oven by 10 PM and resume the baking marathon, round 2, early Sunday morning.
So that's when I remembered this recipe and threw it all together in record time. The chocolate wasn't even set on top as I packed it into the car. But, I sold almost all of it, keeping 2 pieces aside (to show you!).
The recipe is originally here , from Better Homes and Gardens, but I first noticed it here , on the Cookie Madness blog.
Give the recipe a try..even if you're not in a hurry !

Oat and Toffee Grahams

12 whole graham crackers
1 1/2 cups old fashioned rolled oats
3/4 white sugar
3/4 packed light brown sugar
3 tbsp. AP flour
2/3 cup butter, melted ( 10 2/3 tbsp. butter)
1 egg, lightly beaten
1 tsp. vanilla
1 12 oz. pkg. semi sweet chocolate chips ( I used chopped dark Belgian chocolate because that's all I had).
1/2 cup sliced almonds, toasted

Preheat oven to 350. Spray a 15" x 10" pan ( I used a glass pyrex dish) lightly with veg. spray and line with foil, extending ends beyond pan ( to make it easy to lift out). Spray the foil, very lightly with the veg. spray.
1. Arrange the graham crackers, closely, in a single layer on the bottom of the prepared pan.
2. In a large bowl, combine oats, sugars and flour.
3. Add the melted butter, egg and vanilla and stir to combine well.
4.Spoon mixture over grahams and spread evenly to edges, covering all the grahams.
5. Bake 20 to 25 minutes, or til mixture starts to bubble and looks lightly browned ( mine took a little more than 25 minutes).
6. Take out of the oven and immediately sprinkle the chocolate over the top. Return pan to oven for 1 minute, then spread the melted chocolate with an offset spatula to cover all the oat mixture.
7. Sprinkle with the almonds. crushing the nuts with your hands as you sprinkle over the chocolate. Cool in pan on wire rack.
* To make it easier to cut into neat squares, before I refridgerated the bars, I scored each piece, using a sharp knife ( I was in such a hurry that I used a pizza cutter, which worked but got a little gloppy). Don't try to cut all the way through, just enough so that when the bars are chilled, you can cut them into nice clean squares.* Once tey've cooled and have been scored, place in the fridge about 30 minutes to set up completely.

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