Friday, November 27, 2009

Pecan Praline Tart

Before I go on about this tart, I'd like to thank Tiffany over at the National Cookie Network for featuring my cookie company Bucks County Cookie Co. on her blog last week. She has a wonderful blog, all about cookies with tons of recipes and great tips and ideas. So please go visit her !
I came across this recipe while I was digging through a box filled with old, torn from magazines and newspapers recipes. You know that box..we all have one! It has bits and pieces of this and that and recipes you just know you'll never make but you can't bear to throw out because just never know when you might need or want to make something in there !! Like this one.
This recipe is from an old newspaper article from The Philadelphia Inquirer from 1983. Guess it sounded good to me at the time I tore it out. It only took me 26 years to get to it !!
It's a lot lighter than a regular Pecan Pie and a lot thinner but that's what I like about it. Also the pate brisee is a wonderful buttery dough, almost like a shortbread.

Begin by making the pate brisee ( sweet pastry dough). You will need an 11" tart pan with a removable bottom.
Roll the dough to 1/8" thickness and place into the tart pan. Prick surface lightly with a fork and refridgerate or freeze for 20 minutes.

When ready to bake, line the shell with foil and fill with uncooked rice or beans ( or again I'm using my legumes...all I had!). Bake 25-30 minutes at 375.

To make the filling, put eggs, sugar, salt, vanilla and brandy extract, (if using. I didn't) in medium size mixing bowl. Add syrups and blend with wooden spoon.

Add butter and mix with wooden spoon. Do not beat.
Pour into baked tart shell.
Spread pecans evenly over mixture and bake at 350.
Pecan Praline Tart
Pate Brisee ( Sweet Pastry Dough)
2 1/4 cups AP flour
1 tbsp. plus 1 tsp. sugar
1/8 tsp salt
1 stick unsalted butter
2 tbsp. shortening
1 extra large egg
2 1/2 tsp ice water ( I needed more, about 2 1/2 tbsp. )
1. Combine flour, sugar and salt in food processor. Process to blend.
2. Add butter and shortening in a few quick pulses, til mixture has a coarse texture. Do not overblend.
3. In a small measuring cup, blend together egg and ice water, mixing lightly with a fork.
4. Pour egg mixture over flour mixture in processor. Process til a ball forms around the blade.
5. Roll dough into a ball, then flatten into a 1/2 " thick disc. Wrap in plastic and refridgerate several hours or overnight.
6. Roll dough on a floured surface to 1/8" thickness. Fit into an 11" tart pan with removable bottom.
7. Prick surface lightly with fork and refridge or freeze 20 minutes.
8. When ready to bake, line shell with foil and fill with beans or uncooked rice.
9. Bake at 375 for 25 to 30 minutes. Cool for 5 minutes before removing rice and foil.
2 large eggs, room temp., lightly mixed
1 tbsp. sugar
1 1/2 tsp. vanilla
1/4 tsp brandy extract ( I omitted this because I didn't have any on hand)
1/2 cup plus 1 tbsp. pancake syrup ( Mrs. Butterworth's is suggested, for best results)
1/4 cup dark corn syrup
6 tbsp. butter, melted
1 baked tart shell
1 heaping cup toasted pecan halves
Confectioners sugar or whipped cream ( for garnish)
1. Put eggs, salt, sugar, vanilla and brandy extract in medium size mixing bowl.
2. Add syrups and blend with a wooden spoon.
3. Add butter and mix with a wooden spoon. Do not beat.
4. Pour into baked tart shell.
5. Spread pecans evenly over mixture.
6. Bake at 350 for 25 to 30 minutes ( I had to increase the baking time to approx. 45 minutes.)
7. Cool and remove metal sides from pan.
Garnish with confectioners sugar or whipped cream.

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